Barometer International Bar Show 2017

International Media Partner for Europe's fastest growing bar show - Check
Cocktails For You seminar performed in front of 140 eager to learn bartenders - Check
Potentially revolutionise the world of bar shows by broadcasting seminars LIVE reaching over 1 million people clocking over 300k unique views - DOUBLE CHECK
For everything else...there's Cocktails For You!
Barometer International Bar took the world by storm this year, these words are normally only saved for big industry magazines & major booze blogs. So if they weren't there then what is the big deal?
300,000 people viewed 14 industry leaders share their knowledge in the worlds largest bar show auditorium. Over 1,000,000 people were reached over 3 days just on Facebook alone through the Cocktails For You platform.

Call it shameless bragging but numbers don't lie & the numbers on the ground alone for this fantastic event are as follows: 3 days, 15,000 guests, 35,000 cocktails, 14 tons of ice, 57 lectures, 39 tastings, 74 speakers from all over the globe!
Here at Cocktails For You we believe that the Barometer Bar Show has changed the name of the bar show game. Never before have seminars been recorded & broadcasted LIVE just quite like this with a full team of directors, 4 camera men & a full sound crew working round the clock to bring bar industry education into the palms of thousands of bartenders globally whether they could pay for the ticket to Ukraine or not!

We truly live in the age of technology where a bartender from Hawaii contacts us to thank us personally for sharing educational content about our industry that she would never had been able to access due to her location.
This bar show was extra special for Cocktails For You as it was the first time that the platform partners Eddie Rudzinskas & Danil Nevsky stood on stage together side by side to present the story of how Cocktails For You actually came to be what it is today. In a room designed for 100 people that was packed to the brim with over 140 attendees we shared stories, mezcal & beer as we took the audience of the “Zero to Hero” story of Cocktails For You.

In the end it all comes down to the main principles of the Cocktails For You platform: By Bartenders for Bartenders Sharing is Caring
This is the fundamental message on which Cocktails For You rests & we refuse to back down or be convinced otherwise. We have proved that by supporting the community & working together is the only way for us all to grow stronger in our jobs to serve our guests in our bars!
Speaking of bars, there were over 24 in attendance on stands from all over the world, internationally renowned Mace, Himkok & Belboy stood side by side with local Ukrainian rising stars De Bosch, Pink Freud, Dogs & Tails as well as regional favourites such as Barmaglot from Kazakhstan & Bar Duck from Belarus.
All bars had the same size stand to decorate & personalise as they wish so only their skill, style & personality as a bartender would set them apart. It really shows that the bartending profession is unique that it is beyond race, culture, religion or borders as the spirit of bartending was alive & well during the Barometer Bar Show. Jokes were made, ideas were shared, cocktails made & shots consumed as friendships were formed that made this world a little smaller but definitely more fun!
BAROMETER Bar Show - It made a grand entrance in 2016, it spread its wings in 2017 & we will see you all in 2018 as we take flight!
By partnering up as the International Media Partner for Barometer Bar Show through Facebook LIVE alone we managed to reach over 1,318,300 people across the globe with over 327,400 unique viewers!